Year of the Monkey, Meet Speed Mentoring: Round Two


A new year inspires new endeavors and fresh challenges. It might move you to “Lean In,” as well as to look inward in order to re-imagine or recalibrate your career path….

The new year can compel a long list of to-do’s and Resolutions! Or, some people dedicate their year to an over-arching theme (e.g., “Express Gratitude,” “My Year of YES,” “In 2016, I’m making some green”)….

It might even take until the second full moon after the winter solstice, otherwise known as Chinese New Year (this year, February 8th), to get your plans in place.

However, and whenever, you choose to realize the potential of what lies ahead, learning the best practices of friends and professional colleagues will certainly not hurt — and it infuses your decisions with practical wisdom.

I call this “speed mentoring” — any advice you can pick up along the way that makes things easier/ better for you on your path….

In the spaces before or after a meeting, in the coffee room, at a happy hour, during the chats on personal hobbies and families, or on social media, try throwing some of these questions in the mix:

–What are you learning now that is new or different?

–Who’s given you an opportunity that changed things for you?

–Who’ve you networked with recently who you think might be helpful in your career plans?

–If you could have a “do-over” on some part of your educational or professional path, what would it be?

–What’s something you wish everyone knew about you?

–What motivates you the most? Has it changed?

–What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given, of any kind? 


Elizabeth is the author of mentoring stories from The First Women to ______! “The Counselors: Conversations with 18 Courageous Women Who Have Changed the World” (Foreword by Bill Clinton). A new edition e-book is now available on and other online outlets.


Posted in Career tips, Mentors, Women Leaders